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Seven departments issued a document to promote the updating of equipment in the industrial field and clarify the updating of these equipment in the textile industry

2024-04-10 14:17:54

According to the information released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on April 9, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other seven departments recently jointly issued the "Implementation Plan to promote the renewal of equipment in the Industrial field", proposing that by 2027, the scale of investment in equipment in the industrial field will increase by more than 25% compared with 2023. The penetration rate of digital R & D design tools and the numerical control rate of key processes in industrial enterprises above designated size exceeded 90% and 75% respectively.

In major industrial provinces, cities and key industrial parks, digital transformation of industrial enterprises has been fully covered. Production capacity below the energy efficiency benchmark level in key industries has basically been withdrawn, the energy efficiency of major energy-using equipment has basically reached the level of energy conservation, the level of essential safety has been significantly improved, the promotion and application of innovative products has been accelerated, and the proportion of production capacity has continued to increase.

The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology introduced that promoting large-scale equipment renewal in the industrial field is conducive to expanding effective investment and promoting the continuous increase of the proportion of production capacity. The plan is clear, focusing on the promotion of new industrialization, large-scale equipment renewal as the starting point, the implementation of manufacturing technology transformation and upgrading projects, with digital transformation and green upgrading as the focus, to promote the intelligent and green development of the manufacturing industry.

The plan is proposed to combine the differentiated needs of various types of equipment in the industrial field, and rely on the market to provide diversified supplies and services. Overall consideration of the development of the industry and the actual market, step by step, orderly progress. Actively promote the new generation of information technology to enable new industrialization, and pay attention to the iterative upgrade and innovative application of software systems while promoting the update of hardware equipment.

It is understood that the plan proposed the implementation of equipment update action, the implementation of digital transformation action, the implementation of green equipment promotion action, the implementation of essential safety level improvement action four key tasks.

It is clear that the textile industry updates short-process textile equipment such as rotary spinning machines, spinning machines, automatic winder and other cotton spinning equipment; Consumer goods manufacturing industry to promote flexible production, personalized customization and other new models of intelligent equipment; For petrochemical and chemical industries, steel, building materials, textiles, paper, leather, food and other industries that have issued national standards for water consumption (use) quotas, promote industrial water saving and waste water recycling, transform industrial cooling circulation systems and waste water treatment and reuse systems, and update a number of cooling towers and other equipment.

Source: Global Textile Network



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