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Cotton yarn transaction gradually light "gold three silver four" color is insufficient

2024-03-07 09:05:38

According to the feedback of some cotton textile enterprises in Henan, Shandong, Hubei and other places, entering March, the shortage of new orders of cotton yarn, grey cloth, fabric and clothing is becoming more and more obvious, in addition to the inquiry/transaction of 40S and 60S yarn is still not satisfactory, air spinning, C21S and the following count ring spindle spinning shipments are much lighter than before and after the Spring Festival. Some knitting enterprises/weaving enterprises in coastal areas such as Guangdong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces and Fujian provinces show signs of peaking or even gradually falling, and some cotton yarn orders signed after the Spring Festival are executed or encounter variables in the later period.

A medium-sized textile enterprise in Hubei said that at present, in addition to differentiated varieties, combed high-count yarn, Siro tight spinning and other orders and profits, C32 and the following counts of cotton yarn "inner rolling" is very serious, orders, production enthusiasm is relatively low, on the one hand compared with Xinjiang textile enterprises, mainland manufacturers in equipment, policies, costs, resources and other aspects are in a weak position. Air spun, medium and low count cotton yarn is almost not competitive; On the other hand, the recent CF2405 contract plate price continued to fluctuate at 16,000 yuan/ton mark, but since late February, cotton yarn prices have been ahead of the cotton correction, textile enterprises not only 40S below the cotton yarn loss surface expanded again, and cotton yarn accumulation rate continued to rise.

From the survey point of view, since December 2023, cotton textile apparel exports, domestic demand and other pre-demand characteristics are very obvious, overdraft the consumption market of 2024 "gold, silver and silver four" in advance, so that the current "high expectations, weak reality" is again interpreted, mainly manifested as downstream customers although the Spring Festival before the signing of orders (including weaving mills, cotton yarn traders, etc.), However, after the festival, there is no rush to perform the contract to take delivery, but production while watching, and the recovery rate is slow until stagflation, and a large part of the cotton mill is still mainly based on production orders before the year. With the Red Sea, the United States, the European Union and other countries to organize escort, the Central Europe train is full, has queued up to 2024 and the freight has risen sharply and the textile and clothing enterprises in Southeast Asia/South Asia have received orders, the order has resumed, Europe, the United States and other export tracing orders have been transferred outward again, the confidence of textile enterprises has gradually fallen, cotton yarn production, cotton and other raw materials procurement has become more and more cautious.

Source: China Cotton Network



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